Use Kualitee for Better Test Script Creation and Quality Assurance
Now all of you can have the luxury to use the most advanced and fully resourceful quality assurance tool named as Kualitee . Worldwide QA analysts ranked Kualitee among the top of the line software testing tools employed by the QA services firms to accomplish perfection in results. It’s not only the best but as well as fully cost efficient tool to manage your all sorts of testing needs and requirements. From a robust interactive interface to high end integration, it will allow you to find vulnerabilities at any stage of development lifecycle. This product deliver some most efficient testing features to all of its users, which includes… JIRA Integration: Kualitee is a real time test management system with the integration of JIRA . Multiple Test Cycles: This tool will give you the control to run multiple test cycles at the same speed. Configurable Profiles: Kualitee allow it’s users to configure their testing profiles by creating roles with certain set of privileges. Inte...